
The Natural Philosopher Coin Collection

Created by Coincide

The Fibonacci, Platonic, Relativity and Euclidean Coins. An ongoing collection of artistic coins inspired by important developments in philosophy, science and math

Latest Updates from Our Project:

COINCIDE Exhibit Just Launched on Kickstarter!
2 months ago – Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 09:17:21 AM

Greetings Collectors!

As a follower of The Natural Philosopher Coin campaign, be one of the first to see Coincide Exhibit, an exciting expansion on the Natural Philosopher Coin Collection.

This project will be lovingly crafted at the COINCIDE studio in Clovis, California, by yours truly.  Limited quantities will be available to deliver by December of this year.

Looking forward to hearing from you...  Jason at COINCIDE   

New Project: COINCIDE Exhibit, Launches on Kickstarter 7/17/24
2 months ago – Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 01:41:14 PM

Greetings Collectors!

Coincide Exhibit is an exciting expansion on the Natural Philosopher Coin Collection.  Visit the pre-launch page for a sneak peek and click the “Notify me on launch” button to help build momentum for the launch next week. (7/17/24) 

This project will be lovingly crafted at the COINCIDE studio in Clovis, California, by yours truly.  Limited quantities will be available to ship by December of this year.

Looking forward to hearing from you...  Jason at COINCIDE   

Rewards Have Been Shipped
6 months ago – Wed, Apr 03, 2024 at 11:15:17 AM

Hi everyone!

All the packages were dropped at the post office yesterday.  You should have seen a Backerkit email with your tracking information.  

I'll keep you posted when I'm ready to launch the new work that is currently in development.... Hopefully within the next couple months.

You can email me anytime with questions or to chat!

Thanks again!

Sincerely. Jason at Coincide

Sending the Order to the Mint
6 months ago – Thu, Mar 07, 2024 at 08:48:29 AM

Hi Backers.

Thanks for completing your surveys!  I'm sending the order to the mint and plan to start shipping early April.  You will see an email just before I begin shipping giving 48 hours to make any changes to your shipping address. 

All the best!

Jason at Coincide 

Complete Your Backerkit Survey
7 months ago – Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 08:32:10 AM

Hi Everyone!

The Backerkit surveys have been sent to your email addresses.  They will arrive From: COINCIDE, The Natural Philosopher Collection.  Be sure to check your spam folder if you don’t see it in your inbox.

Thanks to those who have already completed their surveys!  Please complete the survey in a timely fashion as I hope to “lock the orders” next week and get the final counts to the mint for production.  You will see a final notice  just before I “lock the orders”, which is when your cards will be charged for shipping and anything you may have added-on in Backerkit.

For those that may be new to the process, the Backerkit survey platform is an efficient way for us to confirm your order, collect shipping addresses and shipping fees, and give you the opportunity to add-on more coins if you wish to do so.  The survey platform has a Need Help? link at the top right of the page, or you can always reach out directly to me by email at [email protected].

Have a great week.  Jason